
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
7 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
8 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
9 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
10 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
12 app_annexespc_getannexes /api/v1/{cityId}/annexes Path does not match
13 app_annexespc_getannexe /api/v1/{cityId}/annexes/{fineLegalId} Path does not match
14 app_annexespc_getphotosannexe /api/v1/{cityId}/annexes/{fineLegalId}/photos Path does not match
15 app_annexespc_getphotos /api/v1/{cityId}/photos Path does not match
16 app_annexespc_getphoto /api/v1/{cityId}/photos/{id} Path does not match
17 app_annexespc_getphotocontent /api/v1/{cityId}/photos/{id}/photo Path does not match
18 app_annexespc_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
19 app_annexespda_postannexe /api/v1/{cityId}/annexes Path does not match
20 app_annexespda_postphoto /api/v1/{cityId}/annexes/{fineLegalId}/photos Path does not match
21 app_annexespda_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
22 app_antai_getfinancesantai /api/v1/{cityId}/finances-antai Path does not match
23 app_antai_exportantai /api/v1/{cityId}/finances-antai-export Path does not match
24 app_antai_exportfpsantai /api/v1/{cityId}/antai-export Path does not match
25 app_antai_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
26 app_default_index / Path does not match
27 app_finance_apigetfinanceslist /api/{cityId}/v1/finances Path does not match
28 app_finance_apigetfinancesexport /api/{cityId}/v1/finances-export Path does not match
29 app_finance_apigetfinancesrefundexport /api/{cityId}/v1/finances-refund-export Path does not match
30 app_finance_apigetfinancesrefund /api/{cityId}/v1/finances-refund Path does not match
31 app_finance_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
32 app_fps_postcalculfps /api/{cityId}/fine-values/v1 Path does not match
33 app_fps_postfps /api/{cityId}/fines/v1 Path does not match
34 app_fps_postfpslist /api/{cityId}/fines-search/v1 Path does not match
35 app_fps_getfps /api/{cityId}/fines/v1/{fineId} Path does not match
36 app_fps_patchfps /api/{cityId}/fines/v1/{fineId} Path does not match
37 app_fps_exportfpslist /api/v1/{cityId}/fines-export Path does not match
38 app_fps_exportfpsm /api/v1/{cityId}/fpsm Path does not match
39 app_fps_getlastfpsid /api/{cityId}/last-fine Path does not match
40 app_fps_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
41 app_paymentcode_exportcodepayment /api/v1/{cityId}/payments-code-export Path does not match
42 app_paymentcode_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
43 app_payment_exportv2fpspayment /api/v2/{cityId}/payments-export Path does not match
44 app_payment_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
45 app_seisin_apigetseisin /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins/{id} Path does not match
46 app_seisin_apigetseisinlist /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins Path does not match
47 app_seisin_apigetseisinrapolist /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins/rapo/{idRapo} Path does not match
48 app_seisin_apicreateseisin /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins Path does not match
49 app_seisin_apiupdateseisin /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins/{id} Path does not match
50 app_seisin_apiupdateseisinwaiting /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins/accept-all Path does not match
51 app_seisin_apiupdateoutsideseisinwaiting /api/{cityId}/v1/seisins/outside-accept-all Path does not match
52 app_seisin_apidoc /api/v1/doc Path does not match
53 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.